TNW Outputs

The TNW Cohort have collaborated on multiple outputs



TNW Collaborative Reports

The TNW Cohort have collaborated to produce an industry response report and charter, please find the download links below:

    Driving Industrial Strategy for North West Growth: The Role of the Creative Industries.

    The Transformation North West Design Charter

TNW Collaborative Workshops & Papers

The TNW Cohort have designed and delivered numerous collaborative workshops and presentations, some examples are:

    Is Doctoral Arts and Humanities Research in the UK fit for purpose? -Reflecting on the TNW Charter, and how doctoral research can contribute to change through collaboration
    Techne DTP Online Conference | 2020

    Digital Workshop

    We are Thought Leaders PhD Workshop
    IASDR Conference | 2019


    Crossing the Terrain: Collaboration -Storming, Forming, Norming
    NWCDTP Conference | 2019

    Conference Paper

    Corridor Conversations: Debate - Dig – Design
    MMU, NWCDTP Symposium | 2019

    One-Day Symposium

Collaborative Partner Institutions